Sprachniveau A1 im Gemeinsamen Europäischen Referenzrahmen (GER)
Language level A1 in the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR)

The division into different language levels describes the different levels of competence, which have been classified into six levels according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Language level A1 describes the competence to understand and use everyday expressions and very simple sentences. This allows concrete needs to be expressed in the foreign language in a simple way.

At this level you can introduce yourself and others and ask other people basic questions about yourself. You can also answer easy questions. To do this, the person you are talking to must speak slowly and clearly in a simple way.

Language tests at language level A1 (GER) at a glance

BULATS Sprachtest
Cambridge YLE
CEIBT Sprachtest
CELI Sprachtest
CILS Sprachtest
DELE Sprachtest
DELF Sprachtest
DFA Sprachtest
DIE Sprachtest
EFB Sprachtest
ELSA Sprachtest
FELSA Sprachtest
Goethe Sprachtest
HSK Chinesisch Sprachkurs
ÖSD Sprachtest
PBE Sprachtest
TELC Französisch Sprachtest
TELC Deutsch Sprachtest
TELC Russisch Sprachtest
TELC Spanisch Sprachtest
TEU Sprachtest
TOEFL Sprachtest
TOEIC Sprachtest
TRKI Sprachtest
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